Continental has launched ‘Agriculture TyreTech’, a new mobile app to help farmers use tyres more efficiently. The pressure and load calculator in the app checks the tyre pressure and the load of the vehicle and makes a recommendation to the operator based on the tyres fitted to the vehicle.

Using a database of all available Continental tyres the app is able to cross reference the properties of the tyre with the load of the vehicle and recommend the best tyre pressure. Sales manager, Richard Hutchins explains: “The app will reduce soil compaction, reduce tyre wear, increase efficiency and lower fuel consumption.” In addition to the pressure and load calculator, the app also offers technical information on all Continental agricultural tyres and a useful conversion table.

Another feature of the app is the lead calculator. This compares the rolling circumferences of all Continental tyres and recommends the best tyres based on the mechanical ratio of the tractor. “Continental’s agricultural tyre portfolio is specifically designed to improve the performance and quality of agricultural equipment while reducing resource consumption. The new app offers farmers a way to further extend the life of their tyres by using the right tyre pressure to make their daily tasks more efficient,” says Richard.

The technology will be on show at LAMMA along with a variety of new Continental tyres. “Visitors to the stand can discuss which tyres would be best for their tractor or combine and see how the app works with one of our team. We will have our hybrid VF and standard TractorMaster tyres on show along with some examples of how Continental technology will be leading the agricultural tyre innovations of the future,” concludes Richard.